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Gold Ornament

Subtle Shades of Gray...
Enter the world of  my traditional drawing where graphite and charcoal create
soft shadows and highlights; line drawings with sepia washes trace beautiful creatures;
and luminous encaustic layers create soft colour and intricate texture.

Andalusian horse drawing by Kindrie Grove © Kindrie Grove Studios inc
Gold Ornament

An Early Muse... 
Drawing was my starting point as I began to explore my early artistic endeavors. My delight at the creatures that emerged from the tip of my pencil lead me deeper and deeper into a lifelong passion for drawing. Even though most of my work is painting and sculpture, I return to my drawing roots time and again, seeking refreshment and artistic nourishment.

       More recently, I have explored the rich combination of encaustic with ink or graphite on paper. The wax coating allows works to be enjoyed and hung without the need for protective glass.

Gold Ornament

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